Archive for August 29th, 2009

29th August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: 束縛のアリア
Title, Romanji: Sokubaku no Aria
Released: 2007/3/30
Listened: 4/2008?

1. 杉田智和 x 神谷浩史
Sugita Tomokazu x Kamiya Hiroshi

Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 9/10
Blab: Piano involvement! /love
I think most of the time, I was just awed at Sugita’s kimoi factor though. xD
The story got more angsty than I ever expected, which I actually enjoyed for the most part. I guess because the angst was combined with quite raunchy H. Yeah…

29th August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: セブンデイズMONDAY→THURSDAY
Title, Romanji: Seven Days Monday – Thursday
Released: 03/25/2008
Listened: 4/2008?

1. 中村悠一 x 福山潤
Nakamura Yuuichi x Fukuyama Jun

Manga DL

Rate: 10/10
Blab: /love /love /love Such a sweet, mellow yet heart-warming story… One of the few series that has inspired me to buy the manga itself after reading it all online. Also that it’s only two volumes is certainly a plus on my wallet. XD I HOPE THEY PUT THE SECOND VOLUME ONTO DRAMA TOO!!!!! They’ve dramatized the second volume after such a long time, yokattaaaaa~~~ \o/

Continuation: Seven Days Friday → Sunday

29th August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: ヒミツの新薬実験中!
Title, Romanji: Himitsu no Shinyaku Jikkenchuu!
Released: 06/25/2008
Listened: 8/2008?

1. 成田剣 x 野島裕史
Narita Ken x Nojima Hirofumi


Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 10/10
Blab: Definitely lacked character development and the plot was just silllllly, but the fanservice was all I was looking for anyway. /drool2
Noji-nii’s osakaben was quite a surprise for me! /lol I enjoyed it quite a bit once I got used to it. And his voice was verrrrry good in this one. Got to hear lots of his uke cries /no1

29th August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: 言ノ葉ノ花
Title, Romanji: Kotonoha no Hana
Release date: 02/28/2008
Listened: 8/29/2009

1. 小野大輔 x 神谷浩史
Ono Daisuke x Kamiya Hiroshi


Rate: 9/10
Blab: WOW I don’t know what took me so long to actually take the time to listen to this one, but I’m glad I finally did. I hadn’t even read the summary before diving into this one, and it’s really not necessary, as the premise is pretty clear. It’s a good, LONG story (2 full cds AND extra free talk tracks) with developed characters, tasty H scenes and lots of Kamiyan’s well-done monologues. I also liked OnoD’s role in this… the personality type I have a weakness for.~ It’s worth listening to!!

Considering they’d been doing the Dear Girl ~Stories~ radio for about a year at the time of this release, I couldn’t help but wonder about the inner workings of their acting together… /lol I’m totally amused that in the interviews, when asked what they thought after acting with each other, Kamiyan basically replies with a tsuntsun “No difference. Ono-kun is nasty-cool as usual” while OnoD’s all dere “it’s made me infatuated with him again” /razz