Archive for August, 2009
Release Date: 2008/10/26
Listened: 11/2008?
1. 皇帝 x 凪野隼斗
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Nojima Hirofumi
Sumeragi Mikado葛城拓人: Tachibana Shinnosuke皇帝
Nagino Hayato笹森遼太 : Nojima Hirofumi凪野隼斗
Rebound Tamasaburou芦屋司 :Shimowada Hiroki リバウンド玉三郎
店員 : Kurokawa Nami本山美奈
Rate: 10/10
H Rate: 10/10
I do believe this is my favorite Noji-nii H scene in bl drama ever. XD~
Based off the 『SILENT CAGE』 ending. When I was playing the game, I didn’t think much of this ending, mostly because I thought it was supposed to be a BAD ending. But according to the Trinity artbook, I think it’s a good ending still… o.O;
Anyway, after listening to this drama CD, it’s a big eye-opener to Takuto and Ryouta’s relationship for this ending. So dark and angsty, yet so goooooooooood. Yeah.
Release Date: 2008/08/15
Listened: 9/2008
1. 凪野隼斗 x 皇帝
Nojima Hirofumi x Tachibana Shinnosuke
2. 黒瀬鷹 x 皇帝
Kuroda Takaya x Tachibana Shinnosuke
◆Eggnog ( Disc1 )
葛城拓人 (CV : 皇帝)=立花慎之介 (CV : Sumeragi Mikado)=Tachibana Shinnosuke
笹森遼太 (CV : 凪野隼斗)=野島裕史 (CV : Nagino Hayato)=Nojima Hirofumi
荻原洲清 (CV : 保村真) (CV : Yasumura Makoto)
芦屋司 (CV : リバウンド玉三郎)=下和田裕貴 (CV : Rebound Tamasaburou)=Shimowada Hiroki
松永陽輔 (CV : 犬野忠輔)=安元洋貴 (CV : Inuno Cyuusuke)=Yasumoto Hiroki
藤巻絢子 (CV : 一色ヒカル)=田中涼子 (CV : Isshiki Hikaru)=Tanaka Ryouko
◆Between The Sheets ( Disc2 )
葛城拓人 (CV : 皇帝) =立花慎之介 (CV : Sumeragi Mikado)=Tachibana Shinnosuke
煌 (CV : 黒瀬鷹)=黒田崇矢 (CV : Kurose Taka)=Kuroda Takaya
アリス (CV : 本山美奈)=黒河奈美 (CV : Motoyama Mina)=Kurokawa Nami
藤巻絢子 (CV : 一色ヒカル)=田中涼子 (CV : Isshiki Hikaru)=Tanaka Ryouko
Rate: 10/10
H Rate: 9/10
Yes, I do like the happy endings from this game. Yes I do~
I did manage to listen to the 2nd CD once, I think… but I don’t remember it anyway >_>;
I wish, wish, wish they had continued on the H for Noji-nii because it was just getting geeeeeewd, but it’s also where the novel ended, so it would’ve been quite a bit to ask for, eh. It was good while it lasted!
Title, Original Japanese: 世界が終わるまできみと
Title, Romanji: Sekai ga Owaru Made Kimi to
Release Date: 2009/08/27
Listened: 8/31/09
1. 立花慎之介×鈴村健一
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Suzumura Ken’ichi
高宮怜人: Tachibana Shinnosuke 立花慎之介
速水有理: Suzumura Ken’ichi 鈴村健一
速水晶彦(父): Chiba Isshin 千葉一伸
高宮信英(父): Konishi Katsuyuki 小西克幸
速水学: Yonaba Tsubasa 代永翼
高宮康広(叔父): Ookawa Tooru 大川透
Rate: 8/10
Blab: Not sure what I was expecting out of the story after reading the summary, but not much particularly stood out in it afterwards. They get into a relationship (and if I remember right they’re still 14 when it starts oh bad me XD~), but Suzuken’s father’s wife dies, which brings daddy into a deep depression, resulting in a big mess that ends up killing Tachibana’s father. Years pass without contact, they start college, and Suzuken finds out Tachibana had lost all of his memories after the incident. Yepyep
I liked the voices Tachibana and Suzuken used in this one, and Yonaga was really cute. XD There’s a pretty good amount from the supporting cast though, which I liked.
Title, Original Japanese: リピート・アフター・ミー?
Title, Romanji: Repeat After Me?
Release Date: 2009/08/26
Listened: 8/31/09
1. 中村悠一×福山潤
Nakamura Yuuichi x Fukuyama Jun
ナイジェル・ローズ: Nakamura Yuuichi 中村悠一 (英語吹き替え:西健亮)
志賀雄之介: Fukuyama Jun 福山潤
今井 敦: Hirakawa Daisuke 平川大輔 (今井吹き替え/吉岡アキラ)
ディエゴ・ロペス:Tsuchida Dai 土田大 (ディエゴ吹き替え/利根健太朗)
アンディ・マンスフィールド:Abe Atsushi 阿部敦 (アンディ吹き替え/仲村水希)
シーグフリード・H・フォーガス:Nojima Hirofumi 野島裕史 (シーグフリード吹き替え/中田隼人)
エアハルト・フリューリング:Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
シリル・ベルトレ:Konishi Katsuyuki 小西克幸
汪聖衛:Hatano Wataru 羽多野渉
Rate: 8/10
Blab: A nice and light-hearted piece, with some cute Hetalia-like humor with representatives from other countries in the mix XD; The most interesting this about this was definitely the… English use, even if a lot of it was done by random people. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. It made for an interesting free talk at least.
The BL itself was really out of place in my opinion, but eh. The supporting cast makes it worth it too \o/
…Noji-nii’s character has H for his middle name again. nandeyannnn~
Title, Original Japanese: 先輩の焦れったい秘密
Title, Romanji: Senpai no Jirettai Himitsu
Release Date: 2008/08/27
Listened: 9/2008
1. 鳥海浩輔 x 野島裕史
Toriumi Kousuke x Nojima Hirofumi
Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 8/10
Blab: Probably need to re-listen to this one… Noji-nii as a partially tsundere uke isn’t exactly my favorite role of his, but the whole kouhai x senpai thing always gets to me some way or another. And I liked the H.
Title, Original Japanese: タッチ・ミー・アゲイン
Title, Romanji: Touch Me Again
Released: 7/24/2008
Listened: 8/2008
1. 野島裕史 x 保村真
Nojima Hirofumi x Yasumura Makoto
2. 阿部敦 x 森川智之
Abe Atsushi x Morikawa Toshiyuki
3. 近藤隆 x 中谷一博
Kondou Takashi x Nakaya Kazuhiro
Rate: 8/10
Blab: Err honestly I only listened to the tracks with Noji-nii in it, so eh. XD; Seme mellow Noji-nii kekkou yareruuuuu
It was short. XD;
Noji-nii: (English) “I love you, me too”
Noji-nii: (English) “Touch me again, again, again and again.”
Title, Original Japanese: 瞳をすまして
Title, Romanji: Hitomi wo Sumashite
Released: 2009/6/28
Listened: 7/2009
1. 中村悠一 x 福山潤
Nakamura Yuichi x Fukuyama Jun
Rate: 8/10
Blab: A rather heart-warming story~ JunJun playing a deaf person was really interesting. It had a reallllly cute start. I felt the character development was a little weird at times further down the line though. Still a good one though~
Title, Original Japanese: 束縛のアリア
Title, Romanji: Sokubaku no Aria
Released: 2007/3/30
Listened: 4/2008?
1. 杉田智和 x 神谷浩史
Sugita Tomokazu x Kamiya Hiroshi
Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 9/10
Blab: Piano involvement!
I think most of the time, I was just awed at Sugita’s kimoi factor though. xD
The story got more angsty than I ever expected, which I actually enjoyed for the most part. I guess because the angst was combined with quite raunchy H. Yeah…
Title, Original Japanese: セブンデイズMONDAY→THURSDAY
Title, Romanji: Seven Days Monday – Thursday
Released: 03/25/2008
Listened: 4/2008?
1. 中村悠一 x 福山潤
Nakamura Yuuichi x Fukuyama Jun
Rate: 10/10
Such a sweet, mellow yet heart-warming story… One of the few series that has inspired me to buy the manga itself after reading it all online. Also that it’s only two volumes is certainly a plus on my wallet. XD
I HOPE THEY PUT THE SECOND VOLUME ONTO DRAMA TOO!!!!! They’ve dramatized the second volume after such a long time, yokattaaaaa~~~ \o/
Continuation: Seven Days Friday → Sunday
Title, Original Japanese: ヒミツの新薬実験中!
Title, Romanji: Himitsu no Shinyaku Jikkenchuu!
Released: 06/25/2008
Listened: 8/2008?
1. 成田剣 x 野島裕史
Narita Ken x Nojima Hirofumi
Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 10/10
Blab: Definitely lacked character development and the plot was just silllllly, but the fanservice was all I was looking for anyway.
Noji-nii’s osakaben was quite a surprise for me! I enjoyed it quite a bit once I got used to it. And his voice was verrrrry good in this one. Got to hear lots of his uke cries