Title, Original Japanese: 言ノ葉ノ花
Title, Romanji: Kotonoha no Hana
Release date: 02/28/2008
Listened: 8/29/2009
1. 小野大輔 x 神谷浩史
Ono Daisuke x Kamiya Hiroshi
Rate: 9/10
Blab: WOW I don’t know what took me so long to actually take the time to listen to this one, but I’m glad I finally did. I hadn’t even read the summary before diving into this one, and it’s really not necessary, as the premise is pretty clear. It’s a good, LONG story (2 full cds AND extra free talk tracks) with developed characters, tasty H scenes and lots of Kamiyan’s well-done monologues. I also liked OnoD’s role in this… the personality type I have a weakness for.~ It’s worth listening to!!
Considering they’d been doing the Dear Girl ~Stories~ radio for about a year at the time of this release, I couldn’t help but wonder about the inner workings of their acting together… I’m totally amused that in the interviews, when asked what they thought after acting with each other, Kamiyan basically replies with a tsuntsun “No difference. Ono-kun is nasty-cool as usual” while OnoD’s all dere “it’s made me infatuated with him again”