Posts Tagged ‘Chiba Isshin’

30th June
written by Splash

Chikatetsu no Inu
Release Date: 2011/6/15
Listened: 7/9/11

drap コミックス「地下鉄の犬」がドラマCD化!人気作家・草間さかえ先生が描く、独自の世界観を豪華キャストが彩ります。<あらすじ>サラリーマンの篠田が会社帰りにコーヒーの匂いに導かれ入った先は、一軒の煙草屋兼骨董屋だった。そこで店主の朝倉と出会った篠田は、ひょんなことからお店に通うようになるのだが…?!

Hatano Wataru 羽多野渉
Chiba Isshin 千葉一伸

Hatano Wataru x Chiba Isshin

Manga/Novel: Manga
Author: Kusama Sakae (草間さかえ)
Company: SMD itaku (music)

Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: It was kind of nice, but not much happened in the end… XD; That’s all I have to say. Not memorable.

30th January
written by Splash

Inu mo Arukeba Koi wo suru 2 Inumo Hashitte Koi wo suru
犬も歩けば恋をする 2 犬も走って恋をする
Released: 01/27/2010
Listened: 2/1/2011

1. 平川大輔 x 下野紘
Hirakawa Daisuke x Shimono Hiro
2. Chiba Isshin x Oda Hisafumi

Rate: 6/10
H Rate:
Blab: Quite a bit of Oda Hisafumi in this. I can kind of tell he’s still a bit green on his acting XD;;; Ganbare~~~!

19th June
written by Splash

Koyoi Kimi ni You.
Release Date: 12/25/2009
Listened: 6/19/2010

永岡熙生: Ishikawa Hideo 石川英郎
碓氷成政: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
津久井直也: Chiba Isshin 千葉一伸

Ishikawa Hideo x Toriumi Kousuke
Chiba Isshin

Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 8/10
Blab: “I don’t sleep with my clients.” Some nice character development and story in here. Nothing brilliantly mindbreaking, but just nice overall.
Interesting free talk too~

31st August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: 世界が終わるまできみと
Title, Romanji: Sekai ga Owaru Made Kimi to

Release Date: 2009/08/27
Listened: 8/31/09

1. 立花慎之介×鈴村健一
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Suzumura Ken’ichi

高宮怜人: Tachibana Shinnosuke 立花慎之介
速水有理: Suzumura Ken’ichi 鈴村健一
速水晶彦(父): Chiba Isshin 千葉一伸
高宮信英(父): Konishi Katsuyuki 小西克幸
速水学: Yonaba Tsubasa 代永翼
高宮康広(叔父): Ookawa Tooru 大川透

Rate: 8/10
Blab: Not sure what I was expecting out of the story after reading the summary, but not much particularly stood out in it afterwards. They get into a relationship (and if I remember right they’re still 14 when it starts oh bad me XD~), but Suzuken’s father’s wife dies, which brings daddy into a deep depression, resulting in a big mess that ends up killing Tachibana’s father. Years pass without contact, they start college, and Suzuken finds out Tachibana had lost all of his memories after the incident. Yepyep

I liked the voices Tachibana and Suzuken used in this one, and Yonaga was really cute. XD There’s a pretty good amount from the supporting cast though, which I liked.