Posts Tagged ‘Sakurai Takahiro’
Tales of Festival (テイルズ オブ フェスティバル) is a series of live events that act as celebrations of the Tales series. They take place annually, usually at Yokohama Arena. In recent years, due to the pandemic, they’ve been happening towards the end of the year (December), rather than in the summer (June)–although for 2023 it looks like they’re back to summer, and they’re skipping 2022.
I recently managed to snag a bunch of the BDs and currently have these:
2013 (1700)
2014 (2500)
2015 (2700)
2016 (3900)
2017 (3400)
2019 (3900)
Will be on the lookout for 2018 and the recent ones 2020+, but they are not high priority atm??
I’ve probably watched a number of the older 2000s ones but don’t remember too much out of them, if I still have them on my hard drives somewhere I might give them another watch.
2013 – Miyano Mamoru and Toriumi Kousuke together, it’s going to hard to top this one already lol.
2014 –
2015 –
2016 –
2019 –
Day 1: Secret guest Horiuchi Kenyuu (Artorius), to go along with Rina Satou’s Velvet.
Day 2: Secret guest Koyama Rikiya (Duke). Bonnie Pink almost named her child (two years old) Yuri. Lol
Day 2 disc had an extra for a Tales of Tour thing were Zelos/Lloyd/Rita/Raven seiyuu went on a tour around Ishigaki/Okinawa. Cute!
Wakakusamonogatari-Kamihikouki ni notte-
Release Date:2010/10/28
Listened: 10/28/2010
Mens only series
Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔(メグ)
Yoshino Hiroyuki 吉野裕行(ジョー)
Tachibana Shinnosuke 立花慎之介(ベス)
Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴(エイミー)
Fujiwara Keiji 藤原啓治(マーチ夫人)
Sakurai Takahiro 櫻井孝宏(ローリー)
Yasumoto Hiroki 安元洋貴(ハンナ)
Ookawa Toru 大川透(マーチ伯母)
Manga/Novel: Novel Little Women
Mangaka/Author Name: Louisa May Alcott
Illustrator:Kigi Tasumi きぎたつみ
Company: Momogre
Blab: Non BLCD.
Main cast all acting as women. wwwwwwww.
Track 3:
Yocchin: あんたね!白状しな。私の原稿はどこ?どこに隠したの!?
Kaji: 隠してなんてないわ。知るもんですか。
Yocchin: 嘘!
Kaji: 本当よ。原稿は隠してもないし、どこにもないわ。
Yocchin: 言わないと引っ張たくよ。
Kaji: やってごらんなさいよ!
It goes on. MY BRAIN………….
Troublemaker Series
Release Date: 2003/04/23 / 2006/09/21
Listened: 10/2010
Konishi Katsuyuki 小西克幸
Sakurai Takahiro 櫻井孝宏
Touchi Hiroki 東地宏樹
Hirakawa Daisuke 平川大輔
Nomura Kenji 乃村健次
Fukuyama Jun 福山潤
1. 小西克幸 x 櫻井孝宏
Konishi Katsuyuki x Sakurai Takahiro
2. 東地宏樹 x 平川大輔
Touchi Hiroki x Hirakawa Daisuke
3. 乃村健次 x 福山潤
Nomura Kenji x Fukuyama Jun
H Rate:
Blab: Apparently this is Touchi Hiroki’s only BL work??? I see he also voiced Jack in the JP dub of Brokeback Mountain but I don’t think I want to see that movie again even if just for seiyuu. xD;
Wonder if he’ll step back in now that he’s a bit more active these days. We’ll see.~~
Sono Yubi Dake ga Shitteiru
Released: 2006/8/25
Listened: 3/21/2010
1. 櫻井孝宏 x 鈴村健一
Sakurai Takahiro x Suzumura Kenichi
架月裕壱: 櫻井孝宏
藤井渉: 鈴村健一
浅香雅展: 神谷浩史
川村: 坪井智浩
Kazuki Yuuichi: Sakurai Takahiro
Fujii Wataru: Suzumura Kenichi
Asaka Masanobu: Kamiya Hiroshi
Kawamura: Tsuboi Tomohiro
Tanaka Kan
Kigawa Eriko
Suzuki Chihiro
Rate: 5/10
H Rate: 1/10. Skimped out on anything juicy, you twoooooooo.
Blab: I didn’t feel the chemistry >___>; I liked hearing Kamiyan the most in this series to be honest orz Just for the voices.