Posts Tagged ‘Abe Atsushi’

19th June
written by Splash

Mousou Catalog
Release Date: 04/28/2010
Listened: 6/19/2010

うっとりvするほど熱愛な恋人同士の高校生、忍と命。そろそろ…初えっちvvなハズが、お互いを大好きすぎちゃって『妄想』の中でイロイロ過激にプレイ済みなんです~!!チカン・淫ら言葉・撮影・アラブ・ケモノ耳・分裂3P・H見学…って、音声にしちゃって大丈夫なんですか~!???大好きなコイビトのために、えっちがんばりたい!! …なのにムラムラしちゃって、頭の中で超エッチなこと妄想しちゃう~ 妄想えっちワールドへGO☆『妄想』なんで、どんな過激なエッチもラブラブOKv発情コミックが、あのエロさで!? 驚きのCD化v

忍: Suzuki Tatsuhisa 鈴木達央
命: Abe Atsushi 阿部敦
多田: Hatano Wataru 羽多野渉
笹塚: Takeuchi Ken 武内健

1. Suzuki Tatsuhisa x Abe Atsushi

2. Hatano Wataru x Takeuchi Ken

Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 8/10. Well, considering there’s sex on just about every track in this CD… XD
Blab: It is what it sounds like. Kind of too lol material to really get into any of it though. The sound effects make me go like “wut just happened”. XD

19th June
written by Splash

Kouboku no Koi
Release Date: 05/26/2010
Listened: 6/18/2010


黒部雅也: Suzuki Tatsuhisa 鈴木達央
吉本光: Hirakawa Daisuke 平川大輔
寺島圭介: Hamada Kenji 浜田賢二
津田寿明: Yoshino Hiroyuki 吉野裕行
沢渡和也: Higuchi Tomoyuki 樋口智透
保科一平: Abe Atsuhi 阿部敦

Suzuki Tatsuhisa x Hirakawa Daisuke (鈴木達央×平川大輔)
Hamada Kenji x Yoshino Hiroyuki (浜田賢二×吉野裕行)
Higuchi Tomoyuki x Abe Atsushi (樋口智透×阿部敦)

Rate: 7/10
H Rate: N/A
Blab: Good voice ranges and acting <3 ~ Although I never felt much chemistry in any of the pairings for this one. Oh well. It was cute here and there so it wasn't a TOTAL waste of time. xD

31st August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: リピート・アフター・ミー?
Title, Romanji: Repeat After Me?

Release Date: 2009/08/26
Listened: 8/31/09

1. 中村悠一×福山潤
Nakamura Yuuichi x Fukuyama Jun

ナイジェル・ローズ: Nakamura Yuuichi 中村悠一  (英語吹き替え:西健亮)
志賀雄之介: Fukuyama Jun 福山潤
今井 敦: Hirakawa Daisuke 平川大輔   (今井吹き替え/吉岡アキラ)
ディエゴ・ロペス:Tsuchida Dai 土田大        (ディエゴ吹き替え/利根健太朗)
アンディ・マンスフィールド:Abe Atsushi 阿部敦    (アンディ吹き替え/仲村水希)
シーグフリード・H・フォーガス:Nojima Hirofumi 野島裕史 (シーグフリード吹き替え/中田隼人)
エアハルト・フリューリング:Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
シリル・ベルトレ:Konishi Katsuyuki 小西克幸
汪聖衛:Hatano Wataru 羽多野渉

Rate: 8/10
Blab: A nice and light-hearted piece, with some cute Hetalia-like humor with representatives from other countries in the mix XD; The most interesting this about this was definitely the… English use, even if a lot of it was done by random people. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. It made for an interesting free talk at least.

The BL itself was really out of place in my opinion, but eh. The supporting cast makes it worth it too \o/

…Noji-nii’s character has H for his middle name again. nandeyannnn~