Archive for February, 2010
Kotoba Nante Iranai 2: Iki mo Dekinai kurai
言葉なんていらない 2 息もできないくらい
Release Date: 2008/09/25
Summary: 活発で人懐っこい拓未は、年上の従兄弟である浩二郎を嫌っていた。浩二郎は双子の弟である志束を溺愛する一方、拓未には憎まれ口しか叩かず、しかも志束に対して下心を抱いている節があったからだ。そんな浩二郎から志束を守ろうとした拓未は、浩二郎の提案するバイトに志願する。しかし、バイトの最中に拓未は浩二郎に対して抱いていた恋心を自覚して……。
佐原浩二郎: Taniyama Kishou 谷山紀章
佐原拓未: Shimono Hiro 下野紘
風見圭祐: Nakamura Yuuichi 中村悠一
佐原志束: Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴
1. 谷山紀章 x 下野紘
Taniyama Kishou x Shimono Hiro
2. 中村悠一 x 梶裕貴
Nakamura Yuuichi x Kaji Yuuki
Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Shimono at Track 1, 5:30… asjdhfkdjfhjdkfh
A lot like the first of the series though… not much interest plot-wise. At least it came with a long (daradara) free talk XD
Kotoba Nante Iranai
Release Date: 2008/03/25
佐原志束: Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴
風見圭祐: Nakamura Yuuichi 中村悠一
佐原拓未: Shimono Hiro 下野紘
1. 中村悠一 x 梶裕貴
Nakamura Yuuichi x Kaji Yuuki
Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Shimono Hiro and Kaji Yuuki as twins THAT’S THE WAY IT SHOULD BEEEE \o/ *runs* The story was pretty cliche though. H was okay XD
Released: 01/27/2010
Listened: 2/6/2010
東雲隆一: Hiyama Nobuyuki 檜山修之
幸村修二: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
白羽帝: Midorikawa Hikaru 緑川光
相川永遠: Mizushima Takahiro 水島大宙
柏木優: Yonaga Tsubasa 代永翼
1. Hiyama Nobuyuki x Toriumi Kousuke
2. Midorikawa Hikaru x Mizushima Takahiro
Rate: 5/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Needed moar of the 2nd pair. D8; A lot of cliches in this piece, orz
La Satanica
Release Date: 10/31/2007
Listened: 2/3/2010
真下周士: Tachibana Shinnosuke 立花慎之介
松嶋元紀: Hatano Wataru 羽多野渉
科川: Tsuboi Tomohiro 坪井智浩
夏木: Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴
1. 羽多野渉 x 立花慎之介
Hatano Wataru x Tachibana Shinnosuke
Rate: 5/10
H Rate: 8/10
Blab: how did I miss this with the cast :o
It’s mostly for the H. I didn’t really feel much of a personal chemistry between these two… just ero pheromones. Mostly Tachibana’s fault. XD And some cute “first-time” awkwardness. That’s pretty much all this drama had.
Release Date: 01/25/2010
Listened: 2/1/2010
桃山: Suzuki Tatsuhisa 鈴木達央
野田: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
壬生谷: Maeno Tomoaki 前野智昭
白川: Ishikawa Hideo 石川英郎
1. Suzuki Tatsuhisa x Toriumi Kousuke
2. Maeno Tomoaki x Ishikawa Hideo
Rate: 5/10
H Rate: 4/10
Blab: Not sure what I was expecting but it was kind of an uneventful drama in general for a student x sensei double-pair. XD; There’s absolutely no lead-in for the relationships (they just head STRAIGHT ON IN), and the “drama” was pretty typical too. And the H was pretty mediocre. Eh. XD
Release Date: 1/27/2010
Listened: 1/29/2010
Takahisa Tooru 高久透 : Hatano Wataru 羽多野渉
Fujishima Keishi 藤島啓志 : Nojima Hirofumi 野島裕史
Kusuda Masahiko 楠田正彦 : Sugiyama Ooki 杉山大
Hatano Wataru x Nojima Hirofumi
羽多野渉 × 野島裕史
Rate: 9/10
H Rate: 1/10
Blab: Based off a novel series Cold Sleep, Cold Light, and Cold Fever…
I WAS HOPING FOR SOME NOJI-NII H but any it had was all waccha and all he does is something not… nice to the flowers orz ahahaa, next time!
The drama is in Waccha’s POV. He loses his memories and comes to live with Noji-nii, and the plot’s pretty typical there. Their past brings in a whole bunch of drama which I normally don’t care for, but Noji-nii makes it better. :D
Waccha is purty normal in this drama, 地味じゃないけど、なんか普通や真面目な感じ… just the way I like him to be honest. XD; And Noji-nii’s subdued, low voice was beautiful as usual. JUST THE WAY I LIKE IT hurrrr. Seriously, even when he SPOILER gets stabbed, he’s totally soundless and cool about it, even though it obviously HURTTTTTtttttsss, and it’s just hottttttt.
Noji-nii’s drunk scenes were really awesome too even though I really don’t condone drinking so much. >_>; But he was doing it because of LOVE SICKNESS so I forgive him. xD~
Seriously Noji-nii you put the chemistry into everything ~
Best part ever? Scene 7, at the 10-minute mark. It’s absolutely magnified since the rest of Noji-nii in the drama is so calm and cool. Waccha notices goosebumps near Noji-nii’s neck while they’re walking together, so he goes to put a scarf around him… and then Noji-nii just makes the most WILD uke sound and it MOE’d me UP LIKE NOTHING ELSEEee ashjdfkjasdhfsdkjfhsdkjdkjfn YARANAIKA. I felt like I just sinned by listening to it. Yes.
Next one in March? THANK YOU BL WORLD
I’ve given in to check out the novels since I’m on a mini Konohara-sensei rampage. XD;