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30th August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: タッチ・ミー・アゲイン
Title, Romanji: Touch Me Again
Released: 7/24/2008
Listened: 8/2008

1. 野島裕史 x 保村真
Nojima Hirofumi x Yasumura Makoto
2. 阿部敦 x 森川智之
Abe Atsushi x Morikawa Toshiyuki
3. 近藤隆 x 中谷一博
Kondou Takashi x Nakaya Kazuhiro


Rate: 8/10
Blab: Err honestly I only listened to the tracks with Noji-nii in it, so eh. XD; Seme mellow Noji-nii kekkou yareruuuuu
It was short. XD;
Noji-nii: (English) “I love you, me too”
Noji-nii: (English) “Touch me again, again, again and again.”

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