Archive for June 16th, 2010
Title, Original Japanese: かわいい悪魔
Title, Romanji: Kawaii Akuma
Released: 2009/4/28
Listened: 6/16/2010
1. 吉野裕行 x 鳥海浩輔
Yoshino Hiroyuki x Toriumi Kousuke
Rate: 6/10
H Rate: N/A
Blab: I totally had a different cover image in mind while I was watching this, then after listening, I went back to see the cover and went “OH WRONG ONE IN MIND”. The ending development was pretty interesting to me because of that hahaha. But otherwise I couldn’t really take the whole pairing that seriously because they didn’t develop their relationship all that well. Just their individual characterizations. Listened for the seiyuu combi o/
Title, Original Japanese: あしたのきみはここにいない
Title, Romanji: Ashita no Kimi wa Koko ni Inai
Released: 2007/05/28
Listened: 6/16/2010
1. 鳥海浩輔 x 鈴木千尋
Toriumi Kousuke x Suzuki Chihiro
Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Starts off as a really typical teacher/student kissykissy relationship. It ended much better than it started though~ Still think it could have used some longer developments here and there, since that’s all I realllllly crave, but nothing was overdone so much to turn me off, which was a good thing. I’m still a bit leery of Suzuki Chihiro’s uke, but he was pretty good in this one. Especially since he had to do all those monologues, eheh.