Posts Tagged ‘Shimono Hiro’
Kotoba Nante Iranai 2: Iki mo Dekinai kurai
言葉なんていらない 2 息もできないくらい
Release Date: 2008/09/25
Summary: 活発で人懐っこい拓未は、年上の従兄弟である浩二郎を嫌っていた。浩二郎は双子の弟である志束を溺愛する一方、拓未には憎まれ口しか叩かず、しかも志束に対して下心を抱いている節があったからだ。そんな浩二郎から志束を守ろうとした拓未は、浩二郎の提案するバイトに志願する。しかし、バイトの最中に拓未は浩二郎に対して抱いていた恋心を自覚して……。
佐原浩二郎: Taniyama Kishou 谷山紀章
佐原拓未: Shimono Hiro 下野紘
風見圭祐: Nakamura Yuuichi 中村悠一
佐原志束: Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴
1. 谷山紀章 x 下野紘
Taniyama Kishou x Shimono Hiro
2. 中村悠一 x 梶裕貴
Nakamura Yuuichi x Kaji Yuuki
Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Shimono at Track 1, 5:30… asjdhfkdjfhjdkfh
A lot like the first of the series though… not much interest plot-wise. At least it came with a long (daradara) free talk XD
Title, Original Japanese: 犬も歩けば恋をする
Title, Romanji: Inu mo arukeba koi wo suru
Released: 2009/7/24
Listened: 11/13/09
1. 平川大輔 x 下野紘
Hirakawa Daisuke x Shimono Hiro
2. 中村悠一 x 岡本信彦
Nakamura Yuuichi x Okamoto Nobuhiko
Rate: 6/10
H Rate: 9/10
Blab: Hooooooolyy snikes Hirakawa Daisuke playing a hardcore pervert. XD; I think most of this rating is just for the scandalous H factor. Shimono’s ecstatic uke certainly just made it more H Wow. I do honestly wish Shimono wouldn’t always sound like that during H scenes though, I’d like to hear him a little calmer sometimes :|
Sounds like Nakamura/Okamoto’s parts were just short side stories, no real heavy material there so I’ll pass tagging them for this.
Title, Original Japanese: honey
Released: 11/28/2007
Listened: 11/15/09
1. 杉田智和 x 下野紘
Sugita Tomokazu x Shimono Hiro
Miki Shinichirou
Rate: 8/10
Blab: I liked the pacing and story for this, but something was lacking for me to feel immersed in the story. There were a lot of good uses of sound effects (rain scenes, RAIN!!!), but something was still lacking. I still enjoy it however. Hmmmmmmmm