Posts Tagged ‘Iguchi Yuuichi’

31st October
written by Splash

Tousui o Sasou Futatsu no Te
Release Date:2010/09
Listened: 10/30/2010


Released together with Hanamaru Autumn magazine. Waccha and Tattsun were the twins who merrily lived their lives by molesting their ” elder brother “+ Iguchi Yuuichi and his signatured sweet voice ! Also it seemed that Hatano Wataru’s name was mispelled on the cover.

戸川多希 Togawa Taki  : 間島淳司 Majima Junji
戸川 理 Togawa Osamu: 羽多野渉 Hatano Wataru
戸川 覚 Togawa Satoru:  鈴木達央 Suzuki Tatsuhisa
松波 聖 Matsunami:     井口祐一 Iguchi Yūichi

Hatano Wataru + Suzuki Tatsuhisa x Majima Junji
羽多野渉 + 鈴木達央 x 間島淳司

Rate: 7/10
H Rate: N/A
Blab: Kind of a peaceful, do-nothing drama of Majima’s monologue and his molesting younger brothers who are twins… yeah. XD;