Ringo ni Hachimitsu
Release Date: 08/03/2012
Summary: 君に甘い甘い好きをあげる。松田夏樹・大学2年生…ゲイ。付き合っている男に突然結婚すると言われ、年下の男に唐突に「カレー部入んない?」と誘われた。寂しさも哀しみもカレーが大好きなアイツが現れてから少しずつ幸せへと形を変えていく――。恐れを知らないチャラい後輩・コマノ×自分に自信のないメガネ先輩・夏樹のすごく甘くてちょっぴり可笑しい、ラブな物語がついにドラマCD化!
“I shall give you a sweet, sweet love.” Matsuda Natsuki is in his second year of university… and gay. All of a sudden the man that he’s been seeing announces that he’s going to get married and a junior in his school asks “Won’t you join the curry club?” out of the blue.
Ever since that boy loving boy appeared, Natsuki’s loneliness and sadness slowly begin to turn into happiness. “The showy, fearless, underclassman Komano and the four-eyed upperclassman who has no confidence, Natsuki” Natsuki’s very sweet and just a little bit adorable love story is about to begin. (English Translated by Simply_shine)
コマノ: Maeno Tomoaki 前野智昭
松田夏樹:Hino Satoshi日野聡
子供夏樹: Yayoi Suganoya 菅谷弥生
中田:Matsumoto Shinobu 松本忍
山田:Matsumoto Kenta 松本健太
友人:Takahashi Hidenori 高橋英則
男子: Oda Hisafumi 小田久史
コマノ母: Keicho Yuka 慶長佑香
1. 前野智昭×日野聡
Maeno Tomoaki × Hino Satoshi
Manga/Novel: Manga
Author: Hide Yoshiko秀良子
Company: Movic ムービック
H Rate:
Blab: I liked the storytelling for this one :3 Adorbs.
Oda Hisafumi’s minor character waii xD;;