Posts Tagged ‘Toriumi Kousuke’
Wakakusamonogatari-Kamihikouki ni notte-
Release Date:2010/10/28
Listened: 10/28/2010
Mens only series
Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔(メグ)
Yoshino Hiroyuki 吉野裕行(ジョー)
Tachibana Shinnosuke 立花慎之介(ベス)
Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴(エイミー)
Fujiwara Keiji 藤原啓治(マーチ夫人)
Sakurai Takahiro 櫻井孝宏(ローリー)
Yasumoto Hiroki 安元洋貴(ハンナ)
Ookawa Toru 大川透(マーチ伯母)
Manga/Novel: Novel Little Women
Mangaka/Author Name: Louisa May Alcott
Illustrator:Kigi Tasumi きぎたつみ
Company: Momogre
Blab: Non BLCD.
Main cast all acting as women. wwwwwwww.
Track 3:
Yocchin: あんたね!白状しな。私の原稿はどこ?どこに隠したの!?
Kaji: 隠してなんてないわ。知るもんですか。
Yocchin: 嘘!
Kaji: 本当よ。原稿は隠してもないし、どこにもないわ。
Yocchin: 言わないと引っ張たくよ。
Kaji: やってごらんなさいよ!
It goes on. MY BRAIN………….
Wakareru Futari no Ai no Gekijou
Released 8/2009
Listened: 9/27/2010
上野優馬: Kaji Yuuki 梶裕貴
梅田穂澄: Suzuki Tatsuhisa
相原大輔: Maeno Tomoaki 前野智昭
林寿: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
1. Kaji Yuuki x Suzuki Tatsuhisa
2. Maeno Tomoaki x Toriumi Kousuke
Rate: 7/10
H Rate: 7/10
Blab: The story was pretty upfront and cheesy, but it’s worth it for the seiyuu combinations and kansaiben. <3 ~
It's also hard to imagine KajiKaji's character being taller than Tattsun XD;
Kaji's presence pretty much disappears altogether in the last track for an extra story on the 2nd couple and he makes comments about it in the free talk, and also the fact that he didn't get to use kansaiben. XD
Released: 1/27/2010
Listened: 8/9/2010
東雲隆一: Hiyama Nobuyuki 檜山修之
幸村修二: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
白羽帝: Midorikawa Hikaru 緑川光
相川永遠: Mizushima Takahiro 水島大宙
柏木優: Yonaga Tsubasa 代永翼
1. Hiyama Nobuyuki x Toriumi Kousuke
2. Midorikawa Hikaru x Mizushima Takahiro
H Rate:
Blab: Part of the Waruikoto shitai series.
Honenuki ni Saretai
Release Date: 2008/07/30
Listened: 6/29/2010
Summary :
可愛いペット。篤志は、愛のお弁当付で、Hも上手v そんな蜜月主従関係に「おあずけ」が
Salaryman Hoshina has been sharing an apartment and bed with model Atsushi. Atsushi cooks, cleans, and remembers every anniversary, but Hoshina can’t figure out why they are in this “type” of relationship. When Hoshina’s younger brother moves in for a while, and the boys must endure until he’s gone, will Hoshina even care? Will this time of separation be the turning point in their relationship? And which boy will be the one screaming, “Once is not enough”? (from Mangaupdates)
Hoshina Mahiro 保科真宏 : Morikawa Toshiyuki 森川智之
Kamikura Atsushi 神倉篤史 : Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
Hoshina Masaki 保科真咲 : Taniyama Kishou 谷山紀章 …and more
1. 鳥海浩輔 x 森川智之
Toriumi Kousuke x Morikawa Toshiyuki
Rate: 6/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Kind of cute? With the whole Toriumi conceptualized as a pet dog bit especially. Mostly a pointless drama overall though. XD; Story felt too much like Junjou Romantica, just with a salaryman/model instead of a novel writer/student. I really liked the art for the cover though, so I guess the manga would be pretty hot.
Aoiumi ni Himeta Koi
Release Date: 2006/9/08
Listened: 6/20/2010
オルソン・グレイ:Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
ショア・ランカーム:Fukuyama Jun 福山潤
エルリンク・クリシュナ:Morikawa Toshiyuki 森川智之
キール:Shimono Hiro 下野紘
サンミル:Okuda Keiji 奥田啓人
レノ:Hatakeyama Miwako 畠山美和子
ロアン:Shimura Tomoyuki 志村知幸
フレイム:Tasaka Hideki 田坂秀樹
ダイラ:Takada Ben 高田べん
本部長:Maejima Takashi 前島貴志
ライラ:Morinaga Rika 森永理科
船長:Kohara Masakazu 小原雅一
主任:Iida Hiroshi 飯田浩志
鳥海浩輔 x 福山潤
Toriumi Kousuke x Fukuyama Jun
H Rate:
Blab: Maybe I should’ve followed more closely to the actual story, but it just didn’t really catch much of my interest. And maybe the characters themselves just didn’t catch my attention much. I heard this was supposed to be such a heartbreaker, but uh… XD;
Koyoi Kimi ni You.
Release Date: 12/25/2009
Listened: 6/19/2010
永岡熙生: Ishikawa Hideo 石川英郎
碓氷成政: Toriumi Kousuke 鳥海浩輔
津久井直也: Chiba Isshin 千葉一伸
Ishikawa Hideo x Toriumi Kousuke
Chiba Isshin
Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 8/10
Blab: “I don’t sleep with my clients.” Some nice character development and story in here. Nothing brilliantly mindbreaking, but just nice overall.
Interesting free talk too~
Title, Original Japanese: かわいい悪魔
Title, Romanji: Kawaii Akuma
Released: 2009/4/28
Listened: 6/16/2010
1. 吉野裕行 x 鳥海浩輔
Yoshino Hiroyuki x Toriumi Kousuke
Rate: 6/10
H Rate: N/A
Blab: I totally had a different cover image in mind while I was watching this, then after listening, I went back to see the cover and went “OH WRONG ONE IN MIND”. The ending development was pretty interesting to me because of that hahaha. But otherwise I couldn’t really take the whole pairing that seriously because they didn’t develop their relationship all that well. Just their individual characterizations. Listened for the seiyuu combi o/
Title, Original Japanese: あしたのきみはここにいない
Title, Romanji: Ashita no Kimi wa Koko ni Inai
Released: 2007/05/28
Listened: 6/16/2010
1. 鳥海浩輔 x 鈴木千尋
Toriumi Kousuke x Suzuki Chihiro
Rate: 8/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Starts off as a really typical teacher/student kissykissy relationship. It ended much better than it started though~ Still think it could have used some longer developments here and there, since that’s all I realllllly crave, but nothing was overdone so much to turn me off, which was a good thing. I’m still a bit leery of Suzuki Chihiro’s uke, but he was pretty good in this one. Especially since he had to do all those monologues, eheh.
Title, Original Japanese: アンバランスな熱
Title, Romanji: Unbalance na Netsu
Released: 2008/02/29
Listened: 6/13/2010
1. 鈴木達央 x 羽多野渉
Suzuki Tatsuhisa x Hatano Wataru
Kagaya Ryuu: Hatano Wataru
Naruse Shinya: Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Naruse Yoshito: Toriumi Kousuke
Shizuka: Shimura Tomoyuki
Friend: Kuwabara Keiichi
Suzuki Masaru
Former Girlfriend: Fujimura Ayumi
Rate: 5/10
H Rate: 6/10
Blab: Um, lol. The situation was too “drama” for me to really get into or take seriously. Spoilers– It starts off with Ryuu getting interested in Yoshito, but Yoshito’s brother, Shinya, steps in and pretty much rapes Ryuu. Turns out it was out of hatred for Yoshito. Yoshito and Shinya share the same father, but have different mothers, and when Shinya’s mother found out about Yoshito and his mother, Shinya’s mother had committed suicide. And so Shinya blames it all on Yoshito…. ??? Forced drama kthx? :|
So in the end, Ryuu ends up dating Shinya out of sympathy and it works out somehow…?!?!?
I guess it was interesting to hear somewhat psychotic Suzuki Tatsuhisa personality, at least. Weeee.
Title, Original Japanese: きら星ダイヤル
Title, Romanji: Kiraboshi Dial
Released: 2009/12/23
Listened: 6/13/2010
1. 羽多野渉 x 鳥海浩輔
Hatano Wataru x Toriumi Kousuke
Rate: 6/10
H Rate: N/A
Blab: 閉所恐怖症 (claustrophobia) is the key to this rough-start couple.
Not much really happened in this drama in general in terms of BL though. Mmm :| Did I miss something or did they really finish it half-baked?
I like both Waccha and Toriumi’s voice ranges in this piece, at least.