Posts Tagged ‘Tachibana Shinnosuke’

15th September
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: オトナ経験値
Title, Romanji: Otona Keikenchi
Released: 8/29/2008
Listened: 9/15/2009

1. 近藤隆 x 立花慎之介
Kondou Takashi x Tachibana Shinnosuke
2. 平川大輔 x 武内健
Hirakawa Daisuke x Takeuchi Ken


Rate: 7/10
Blab: Eeek I liked everyone’s voices in this, ESPECIALLY Tachibana’s surprised expressions. /horehore Cute. Yeah~ Unfortunately, the drama was too short for any decent character development… as well as the plot basis /hum

31st August
written by Splash

Release Date: 2008/10/26
Listened: 11/2008?

1. 皇帝 x 凪野隼斗
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Nojima Hirofumi

Sumeragi Mikado葛城拓人: Tachibana Shinnosuke皇帝
Nagino Hayato笹森遼太 : Nojima Hirofumi凪野隼斗
Rebound Tamasaburou芦屋司 :Shimowada Hiroki リバウンド玉三郎
店員 : Kurokawa Nami本山美奈

Rate: 10/10
H Rate: 10/10
Blab: /drool2 /drool2 /drool2 /drool2 /drool2
I do believe this is my favorite Noji-nii H scene in bl drama ever. XD~
Based off the 『SILENT CAGE』 ending. When I was playing the game, I didn’t think much of this ending, mostly because I thought it was supposed to be a BAD ending. But according to the Trinity artbook, I think it’s a good ending still… o.O;
Anyway, after listening to this drama CD, it’s a big eye-opener to Takuto and Ryouta’s relationship for this ending. So dark and angsty, yet so goooooooooood. Yeah.

31st August
written by Splash

Release Date: 2008/08/15
Listened: 9/2008

1. 凪野隼斗 x 皇帝
Nojima Hirofumi x Tachibana Shinnosuke

2. 黒瀬鷹 x 皇帝
Kuroda Takaya x Tachibana Shinnosuke

◆Eggnog ( Disc1 )
葛城拓人 (CV : 皇帝)=立花慎之介 (CV : Sumeragi Mikado)=Tachibana Shinnosuke
笹森遼太 (CV : 凪野隼斗)=野島裕史 (CV : Nagino Hayato)=Nojima Hirofumi
荻原洲清 (CV : 保村真) (CV : Yasumura Makoto)
芦屋司 (CV : リバウンド玉三郎)=下和田裕貴 (CV : Rebound Tamasaburou)=Shimowada Hiroki
松永陽輔 (CV : 犬野忠輔)=安元洋貴 (CV : Inuno Cyuusuke)=Yasumoto Hiroki
藤巻絢子 (CV : 一色ヒカル)=田中涼子 (CV : Isshiki Hikaru)=Tanaka Ryouko

◆Between The Sheets ( Disc2 )
葛城拓人 (CV : 皇帝) =立花慎之介 (CV : Sumeragi Mikado)=Tachibana Shinnosuke
煌 (CV : 黒瀬鷹)=黒田崇矢 (CV : Kurose Taka)=Kuroda Takaya
アリス (CV : 本山美奈)=黒河奈美 (CV : Motoyama Mina)=Kurokawa Nami
藤巻絢子 (CV : 一色ヒカル)=田中涼子 (CV : Isshiki Hikaru)=Tanaka Ryouko

Rate: 10/10
H Rate: 9/10
Blab: /drool2 /drool2 /drool2 /drool2 /drool2
Yes, I do like the happy endings from this game. Yes I do~
I did manage to listen to the 2nd CD once, I think… but I don’t remember it anyway >_>;
I wish, wish, wish they had continued on the H for Noji-nii because it was just getting geeeeeewd, but it’s also where the novel ended, so it would’ve been quite a bit to ask for, eh. It was good while it lasted!

31st August
written by Splash

Title, Original Japanese: 世界が終わるまできみと
Title, Romanji: Sekai ga Owaru Made Kimi to

Release Date: 2009/08/27
Listened: 8/31/09

1. 立花慎之介×鈴村健一
Tachibana Shinnosuke x Suzumura Ken’ichi

高宮怜人: Tachibana Shinnosuke 立花慎之介
速水有理: Suzumura Ken’ichi 鈴村健一
速水晶彦(父): Chiba Isshin 千葉一伸
高宮信英(父): Konishi Katsuyuki 小西克幸
速水学: Yonaba Tsubasa 代永翼
高宮康広(叔父): Ookawa Tooru 大川透

Rate: 8/10
Blab: Not sure what I was expecting out of the story after reading the summary, but not much particularly stood out in it afterwards. They get into a relationship (and if I remember right they’re still 14 when it starts oh bad me XD~), but Suzuken’s father’s wife dies, which brings daddy into a deep depression, resulting in a big mess that ends up killing Tachibana’s father. Years pass without contact, they start college, and Suzuken finds out Tachibana had lost all of his memories after the incident. Yepyep

I liked the voices Tachibana and Suzuken used in this one, and Yonaga was really cute. XD There’s a pretty good amount from the supporting cast though, which I liked.
